Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Work Day for CGSS Gala and Auction

Back row: Brenda Bodine, Melba Dismukes, Melanie Fisher, Myrna Pittman, Carol MacMillan and Sandy Craft
Front row seated: Johanna Talley, Ann Whitaker and Marla Corts


Work Day for Community Grief Support Gala and Auction

Gala committee members and volunteers met for a work day September 17 to prepare for Community Grief Support’s annual “Lift Your Spirits” Gala and Auction. Members of the work party were Brenda Bodine, Lois Caldwell, Marla Corts, Sandy Craft, Melba Dismukes, Melanie Fisher, Carol MacMillan, Miranda McPherson, Jane Pearson, Myrna Pittman, Johanna Talley and Ann Whitaker. The group gathered auction items and stuffed, sealed and stamped stacks of invitations. They also enjoyed a light lunch and had a peek preview of the elegant silver, white and blue ostrich plume centerpieces being loaned for the occasion by Brenda Bodine.

The Gala’s Honorary Chairman, Dr. Andrew Westmoreland, President of Samford University serves on the CGSS Advisory Board and is a valued supporter of its programs. “Lift Your Spirits” will be October 21 from 5:30-8 pm in the Penthouse of the Kress Building. The cocktail supper is catered by A Social Affair and guests will receive complimentary valet parking. Items donated for the live and silent auctions include diamond and coral earrings, a beach vacation, Alabama and Auburn football game tickets, golf at Greystone, Diamonds Direct gift certificate, an outfit from Town and Country, a Kindle reader, fine wines and a Merry Lake bag.

The goal of the Gala is to raise $30,000 for free grief counseling and support groups for people struggling after the death of a loved one. This year alone, CGSS will provide more than 1,000 hours of free professional grief counseling and support group facilitation and part of that is funded by the Gala. American Printing Company donated the invitations and Commercial Printing Company donated the auction forms so more of the money raised can help those in need. Tickets are $75 per person.

To reserve tickets or learn more, call CGSS at 205.870.8667 or visit

For more information, contact: Carol MacMillan, Administrative Director
205.870.8667 or

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